Thursday, March 08, 2007

is this right?

it just seems too big, this is my belly at 40 weeks. Okay little man lets come out before you get any bigger. We are going to be sending you to college soon if you don't hurry up and come out!!!!

We will let everyone know his NAME as soon as he is born - HINT * It satrts with a V.

If you can guess you win a prize.
see you soon.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

38 weeks - 2 weeks to go!

At my shower in OC we took some photos of my belly....

Thursday, January 25, 2007

33 weeks ultrasound

This video is pretty amazing, it is only of his head and arms, but the best part is you can see his eyeball moving, he's watching you. The big black round thing is his eye, and his hands are right up by his mouth the whole time....

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


we had a little bit of a scare last week. The sonogram tech told us that the babys head was abnormally large and his thigh bone was smaller than usual.
So we were sent to do another sonogram at a much better place today...
here are the photos - besides the larger head like his dad's everything else is on target and looks great!

His little hands are always right up by his face or mouth in all of these... In one of them his hands are holding each other. He's praying that his head will not get any larger, and so am I!

so we are happy to say he is healthy.

Click on the photos to see them bigger in a different window...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

31 weeks!!!!

This week I am 31 weeks, Baby Erwin and I are growing together more and more everyday our bond becomes stronger, Conner and I are so excited to meet our little bundle....
He is a busy boy in my tummy kicking, turning, punching, and occasional karate move too!
I will up load a picture of my tummy shortly, just know it is gettting bigger and bigger everyday!
We have started taking our birthing classes too. They are very interesting and we are learning a lot...
I am going to draw a little picture of how I picture my boy's face..... More to come soon.

xoxoxo Dianne


Mom, Heather & I on Christmas Eve.


Conner and I on Christmas eve! We had fun with the family, and ate a whole lot!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

28 WEEKS...

I am almost to my seven month mark, here in this lovely picture... chose to crop my head off of these, so you could focus more on the belly instead of my face!

I will keep you all posted with cool pics from our trip to florida for the holidays, when we return!



Don't I look funny with a belly!!!
Someone took this of me and it is actually the first side profile I have seen of myself in clothes since I have been prego!

I am 26 weeks in this photo! i also weigh in at a whopping 150 lbs too! WOW

Thursday, November 30, 2006


So we flew to Virginia Beach for thanksgiving with Conner's family and we had a great time.
Baby erwin had his first baby shower thrown by 5 of martha's friends. They made a baby cake out of diapers and receiving blankets and covered it in toys and baby things! I will put a picture up soon so you can see how cute it was....

Conner's dad threw a cocktail party for us and baby erwin the same day! It was fun to meet everyone, I really felt the spirit of the holidays while I was there. All of the leaves were falling and it was cold.... brrrr

we had a really nice time, it was just too short. We flew home first class and that was so comfortable compared to the way we flew there, in the emergency row on the red eye with no reclining seats... whew! That was a tough one!

xoxoxoxo more on baby erwin's development coming soon, stay tuned!

25 weeks Preggers...

Your baby now weighs a little less than 2 pounds and measures about 14 inches from head to heel. Her weight will more than triple between now and birth as she rapidly lays down baby fat. She'll need that fat to help adjust to colder temperatures outside the womb and as a source of energy and calories in the first days of life. It's not uncommon for newborns, especially those who are breastfed, to lose weight (sometimes as much as 10 percent of their birth weight) in the first week after birth.

The nerve pathways in your baby's ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are developing now, too, as she continues to take small breaths of amniotic fluid — good practice for when she's born and takes that first breath of air. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.